How can you help?

If you want to learn more about the project or want to come over and help us out personally, you can always contact Leonard directly via or via telephone / WhatsApp on +27 78 730 7994.

Offcourse you can also help out by donating!

We have 3 types of donations,

  • food donation = 1 cooking moment/for 200 children

  • If you want to help a little bit every month you can with the monthly donations

  • We also have the possibility to do a donation of your choice so you can decide how much you would like to donate.

Food donation 1350Rand / 85€ / 100$

With these donations we go directly to the local shops in the townships to buy everything we need to cook for 200 children. 

Monthly donation

Would you like to contribute a small amount to the project every month? That's possible too of course!
You can choose to automatically donate 9€, 19€ or 85€ every month. 

Free choice of donation

You can also choose to make a one-off free donation. This money is also well spent of course.
These donations are not only used to buy food but also to buy pots and pans, spoons, gas, to make changes to the shack where we cook, etc.  We are not a huge organisation with a big or unclear costs structure but a small group of volunteers with the heart in the right place.

You can also make a donation by donation directly to the bank accounts. 

Bank account number South-Africa FNB 62526739654, FIRNZAJJXXX
Bank account number Belgium BE68 0689 0438 0234